Phone: 203-253-6025
Cardinal Baseball Camp, LLC
Greenwich, Connecticut

Daily Schedule
9:00-9:10 Stretch
Campers arrive and stretch with the coaching staff for about 10 minutes every morning. We start with lower body stretches and move to upper body stretches before ever throwing a baseball.
9:10-9:30 Throwing Drills
Campers receive instruction in how to throw with the proper form. Mechanics are taught in order for them to throw with maximum velocity, and accuracy, while minimizing injury. The four-seam grip, proper elbow position, proper footwork and follow through are all stressed during this drill. Proper catching tips are given at this time as well. Coach Mora believes that "Throwing and catching are the most important parts of the game at any level of baseball. If players can throw the ball where they want to, without hurting themselves, they have given themselves the chance to be very successful."
9:30-10:45 Stations or Infield/Outfield Practice
The stations are skill sessions that last about 10-15 minutes each. Campers are taught the finer points of the game by Cardinal Baseball Camp's head coaches during this time. The campers rotate through stations such as: pitching, base running, catching, infield, outfield, hitting, and bunting. Some days this hour is spent on infield/outfield practice where the campers learn where to throw the ball during certain key situations. Cut offs, back ups, and positioning are also taught according the level of the group.
10:45-12:00 Game Time
The staff makes teams for their games according to ability. Some campers may play against older campers if their ability is comparable. Beginners may play with younger campers if they are still building their skills. Camper's safety comes first! Coaches pitch to the campers for safety reasons. Many campers are in the middle of their summer season and we do not want them wearing out their arms at camp.
12:00 Pickup
Campers are picked up and get ready for the new day of baseball!